Buy Wixey Remote Digital Readout Store
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Wixey Remote Digital Readout Overview
Besides delivering exact depth readings, this precision gauge features a remote digital display that mounts up to 3 feet from the sensor! It's perfect for router lifts, and can also be used on shapers and other woodworking machines.
The gauge is accurate to within .001 inch, and displays its digital measurements in either decimals (inches and millimeters) or fractions (inches). It has push-button zeroing capability at any point. Powered by a CR2032 lithium battery.
Accuracy Specifications:
* Decimal: +/- .001
* Fraction: +/- 1/500Metric: +/- .05
Additional Specifications:
* Adapts to most commercial router lifts.
* Requires drilling two small holes in your machine (drill bit supplied).
* Includes sensor, display, battery, 3 foot cord and all mounting hardware.
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