2011 Black Friday Deals, Freud 40-206 30-Degree Chamfer Router Bit with 1/2-Inch Shank Shop
you looking for super-cheap Freud 40-206 30-Degree Chamfer Router Bit with 1/2-Inch Shank?
before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Freud 40-206 30-Degree Chamfer Router Bit with 1/2-Inch Shank and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.
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Freud 40-206 30-Degree Chamfer Router Bit with 1/2-Inch Shank Overview
Creates a uniform chamfer on the edge of any work piece to add character, while retaining crisp geometric lines. Chamfer size is adjusted easily by changing the height of the bit. Application: Cuts all composition materials, plywood, hardwood, and soft wood. Use on hand-held and table-mounted portable routers.
Freud 40-206 30-Degree Chamfer Router Bit with 1/2-Inch Shank Specification
- Kickback reducing design
- Individually computer balanced
- Precision ground for the smoothest cuts
- Covered by Freud's limited lifetime warranty
Our Price : $51.80
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