Educational Visit to National Library Board Supply Centre

Educational Visit to National Library Board Supply Centre was conducted successfully on 20th Sept 2011 (Tuesday).  This visit was a joint initiative between Interest Group-LSCMS IG and RP-NEC RFID Competency Lab.

It was opened to all SEG and IG students. There were a total of 16 students and 2 staff who visited National Library Board (NLB) Supply Center (SC) at Changi South on that afternoon. 

At NLB Supply Centre, Mr. Ben Tang, the Operations Manager, explained to us about the role of NLB Supply Centre and how it handles its ordering/distribution process, how NLB

SC has transformed from the conveyor-based operation to cellular-line processing as well as their 2nd Generation RFID Reader/Tag implementation. 

Overall the feedbacks from the students have been very positive from the visits.

Below are some photos taken during our tour to the supply centre:

The following are some extracts of RJs written by the students.

“It wasn't an easy task how they get the job done. They went through few stages to improve in the work done. We also see what do they do in the centre like Supply and Distributing, Selection of books, reviewing the different kind of book and maintain its standard for fellow customer, how they preserve books and why and many more. They even go through with us the process and the difficulties that were faced when sing the conveyor operation and how it is improved when the Cellular Processing Line was implemented. I learn quite a few processes and how tedious the work can be. Overall, I had a good experience there going into place that can't be easily access by the public. At least a great experience there learning new things” ~Student: Shajahan

“Generally, CPL system enables the National Library Supply Centre to perform better, and eventually serve and benefited the public visitor of the National Library more. The National Library Supply Centre has come a long way since it first started in 1997 March 17, changing from the old system (conveyor based operation) to the better performance system (Cellular Processing Line) with an efficient work flow which ultimately benefited the public. Anyway, such outing is very meaningful, because not only can we learn things related to our courses and how a supply chain company or factory runs, but also the way how things work in the modern society. It is all about efficiency and low costing which eventually also produces a quality product or result. This will help us all in the near future when we are out there in the work force very much on our own.” ~Student: Liu Yu