Cyriva Club Student Feedback Session

On 26th July 2011, Student Feedback Session on Cyriva Club was organised for School of Engineering students to introduce and gather feedback on Cyriva Club and the 5 IGs under SEG.

Students waiting for the feedback session to start

This feedback session started off with both President (Shariff) and Vice-President (Syazana) of Cyriva Club to introduce Cyriva Club 9.0 (AY2011/2012) management committee members. We shared about the past events organized by us and the upcoming events.

The President (Satishvaran) and Vice-President (Md Afiq) from Aeromodelling IG were also there and they gave a wonderful speech by introducing themselves, their IG activities and upcoming activities. They are currently recruiting members so interested students can still apply.

We also introduced and described the nature of the other 4 IGs, namely (Aeromodelling IG, Electronics Hobby IG, Institution of Engineers, Logistics & Supply Chain Management Student Chapter and Medical Electronics IG)

It’s time for us to hear their feedback on what events they want Cyriva to offer.

To wrap up the feedback session, our Gold Award Recipient (Hasif) for NYAA (National Youth Achievement Award) shared about NYAA, 5 different sections of this programme, the requirement to complete the different levels and the benefits of NYAA. It was an interesting presentation and participants seemed interested as they started asking questions on NYAA. We hope to increase the participation rate of SEG students in the NYAA journey.

Cyriva Club would like to thank you for attending Cyriva Feedback Session