~SEG Graduates BBQ 2011~Come Join Us!

To All Year 3 Graduating Students of 2011!
We are proud to organise a Graduates BBQ just for you!

Join us in the celebration and register your name @ this link:

Registration closes on 9th February 2011.

We will contact you via SMS after the registration is closed.

SEG Strike First GOLD Medal in WorldSkills

Republic Polytechnic SEG strike GOLD 
in WorldSkills Singapore 2011!!!

After 18 months of intensive training, 3rd Year student Chan Jun Wei William from School of Engineering has done us proud, to be RP’s first Gold Medalist in the highly prestigious Worldskills competition. He emerged as the winner among 20 competitors from other polytechnics and ITE, after quarter-final in 2010 and the 3-day long final round last week. He was awarded the Gold Medal, Diploma of Excellence and $3000 by our Minister of Manpower, Mr Gan Kim Yong, in the category of Information Network Cabling.

William will be representing Singapore to compete in the WorldSkills International 2011 held in London in OctoberThe WorldSkills International is a prestigious Olympics Skills competition where countries all over the world come together to compete in various industry skills.

Our 4 other students from SEG (Kenneth Tan Guan Quan and Terence Soh Rong Cheng, Adriel Chen Jiehao and Wee Ping) from SEG also managed to enter the final round of the competition. They have shown us that we can achieve all possibilities with our SEG fighting spirit.

(Confidence, Adaptability, Never give up spirit)

Let’s once again congratulate Chan Jun Wei William in getting our first Gold Medal for Republic Polytechnic and wish him all the best in representing Singapore in WorldSkills London 2011.                                                                                                                    

RP developed possibly the world's first iPhone-base portable brain control system

TODAY, 2 December 2010

On 8th December 2010, an interview was done by 93.8FM Live with the RP staff, Dr Jiang Lijun and Eugene Tham from SEG on this development:  mms://media.rp.sg/PublicVideo/7985.wmv

LSCMS IG: Night Cycling to WLNA and Jurong Fishery Port

Despite December being well-known for rainy days, the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Society Interest Group (LSCMS IG) still went ahead and organized a Night Cycling on 10 December. About 20 students and 5 staff took part in the event, and were assisted by about 5 other personnel from external organizations, who helped to ensure the safety of all the cyclists.

This is the first time that a SEG Cyriva Club IG has organized a on the road overnight cycling event, covering industrial visits to 2 places. Students were gathered at the loading bay between E2 and E4, where a safety briefing was conducted and bikes, that were delivered from East Coast, were checked for their lights, brakes, gears, and that the cyclists were comfortable and confident with the height of the bikes. As dusk approached, dark clouds also gathered over the notoriously rain-prone region of Woodlands. But all our prayers were answered as the weather held, and after a water parade amidst a few rain drops, the whole contingent was flagged off at 7.45pm, to the horn of 2 safety vehicles accompanying the group.

Our first stop was at Warehouse Logistics Net Asia (WLNA), a logistics service provider that provides chilled and frozen food warehousing and transportation, and their major customer is the Dairy Farm group. We cycled down Woodlands Rd, Bukit Batok Rd, Jurong Town Hall Rd, Boon Lay Way and finally arrived at Quality Rd at about 9.20pm. The highlight of this stop was the live Christmas trees that were brought in by Cold Storage. For many of us, it was the first time that we had seen real Christmas trees, each of which cost about $200 to $300 and can survive for a few months at water temperature of around 5oC. It was also a nice way for us to cool down as we entered the cold room, after having cycled for about 19km.

After WLNA, it was time for SUPPER! Tired limbs were recharged, and growling stomachs were fed, before we cycled down the Ulu Pandan Park Connector, passing by Japanese and Chinese Garden along the way. The students stopped by one of the ponds, and played team bonding games led by the IG main committee members. It was a good way for the IG members to interact and have fun, especially when there was a good mix of Year 2 and Year 3 male and female students, from both DSCM and DIOM. 

At about 1am, there were occasional flashes of lightning, and a slight drizzle started. But it was not enough to dampen the spirits of us cyclists, as we neared our second destination, which was at Jurong Fishery Port. The smell of raw fish signalled that we were reaching the port, and we were greeted by another member of the Society who was our tour guide for the night. Seafood were brought in by vessels from other countries such as China and Indonesia, and brought to the hall where the sellers would determine its prices depending on its freshness. Unlike the usual wet markets, all the fishes were being laid out on the floor, and sold by the crates. Most of the customers there were from the wet markets, restaurants, and supermarket chains such as Sheng Siong. While moving around in the hall, the group had to be cautious of its slippery surface and any protruding fish tail, crab claws or squid tentacles into the narrow paths between the different stalls. However, the most important thing to look out for are the impatient stallholders rushing to pull in crates or pushing trolleys of seafood along the narrow walkway. That was especially annoying, especially to have someone shouting at you to get out of his way while admiring the size and variety of seafood at the stalls.

After the visit at around 4am, a bus had been chartered to ferry the students back to RP while the bikes were sent back by another lorry. It was truly a memorable experience for the students, as they bonded and battled the slopes together, with the stronger cyclists urging the weaker ones on, and also gained exposure to other aspects of their studies in terms of the cold and fish supply chain in Singapore. It was also another successful event organized by the IG and marks the end of a fruitful year for the members.

Camp Ingénieur 2010 - SEG Student Leadership Camp

On 27th – 29th December 2010, Cyriva Club organized a 3D2N student leadership camp to students from the School Of Engineering, targeting at the Year Ones. This camp aims to instill leadership skills in the participants through leadership activities, and at the same time, develop the leadership qualities and enhance the character development of them.

Getting to know one another

On the first day of the camp, everybody reported for the camp with an anxious mind as they do not know which group and who they are going to be with for the rest of their three days. As excited as the participants, Cyriva Club committee members were excited to meet the new participants whom they would be known as our future student leaders or helpers.

The Longest Line

The day started with some ice-breaking games such as “Catch Me If You Can” and “The Longest Line” where the student leaders made their first bonding session with their own team members. “Catch Me If You Can” made them run around catching one another in Agora Hall. Everyone was feeling rather nervous since they had the chance to be either the catcher or the runner. We ended the game with a forfeit for those who were still standing up as the last catcher and runner.

The next game, “The Longest Line”, requires the team to create the longest line with all their belongings on them. Some of the team had actually brought out their cards, tickets, shoelaces, jackets and many more. They even made out a loop out of the long line for a longer one. In the end, only one team won and they earned points for winning. The last ice-breaking game, “Captains On Board”, participants had to follow the command of the Captain and make out a “lighthouse” and etc.

Captains On Board!

The Blue Team designing their flag!

The Green Team designing their flag!

The Red Team designing their flag!

The Yellow Team designing their flag!

And our very own Cyriva members designing our own flag!

After all the ice-breaking games, each team had to make a team identity flag with their new team’s name. While they were doing up their flag, they were provided with refreshments as well. Right after that, the participants had their team building games. The participants played games like “Blind Spider Tower”, “Cup Hunter”, “Challenger and Defender” and lastly “Balloon Blast”. They got “Wet” and “Wild” in the games. Each team was made to defeat another team in the challenge as well. It was indeed a fierce challenge for some of the games.

Blind Spider Tower!

Navigating through the game blindfolded!

Cup Hunter!

Blindfold again!

After a long and tiring day out in the sun, the participants had their dinner, and at the same time they did their preparation for “Ingénieur Night“ as a team. After filling up their stomachs, we had them to play a game of “Conquer the Flag”. They were made to run around the school to find their flag and sweat it out once again. Some were fast and attentive enough to get their flag as fast as possible while some had a difficult time trying to find theirs’.


On the second day of the camp, all the teams had already strong bonds among themselves. To bring their bonds higher to the next stage, we started the day with 2 ALC activities followed by ALC Maze. The ALC maze is formed by 6 containers of surprises and adventure, and it is an excellent platform for teambuilding and character development sort of activities. Those who went through the ALC Maze had fun and enjoyment. Moreover, the ALC Maze brings out the leadership qualities of an individual student. This is due to the total darkness environment in the ALC Maze and teams could only complete the task as a team.

ALC Game

ALC Game

The last activity for the day was multi-storey captain’s ball. Since it’s a sporty event, the participants were excited. Multi-storey captain’s ball is different from ordinary captain’s ball as this activity is played with balls of different sizes (e.g. Basketball, volleyball, tennis ball and ping pong ball) all at the same time. The points allocation were given by the size of the balls as the team catch, the smaller the ball the more points they were given.

The Multi Level Captain's Ball

We ended our second day of the camp with group performance done by our participants. Teams mostly did dance, sang a song and performed a skit to entertain the audience. Our participants were able to show their talent, creativity and unity, on their team performance.

The third day was the prize-giving session to the winning teams for Camp Ingénieur 2010. To remind us the wonderful times we had in the camp, we had photo taking as a memory.

First Prize : Red Team!

Second Prize: Green Team!

Third Prize: Blue Team!

Best Cheer: Yellow Team!

All of US!

From all Cyriva Club committee members: “Thank you to all the students (student leaders, helpers and participants who showed their support in Camp Ingénieur 2010!!!

SEG BRAG about Frisbee, Basketball and Floorball!

SEG is proud to announce that we have emerged as CHAMPION in Frisbee, 2nd place in Basketball and 3rd place in Floorball during BRAG (Battle Republic Annual Games) held end of last year 2010.

BRAG is a series of team sports games where the different schools and centres competed with each other.

The prize giving presentation was held on 11th January 2011 during Sports Club Event “Next Generation Sports”.

The Trophy!!!

The CHAMPIONS!!! Frisbee players with their gold medals

The Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals

Well Done SEG!

Thank you to all who have participated and supported in BRAG 2010. We look forward to seeing you again this year!

iCar CE Workshop and Competition

The RP-Xilinx Programmable Logic Solutions Joint Laboratory and Electronics Hobby Interest Group (EHIG) have successfully conducted iCar CE workshops and competition.

The students from EHIG were trained to construct and program the FPGA-based microcontroller for vehicle navigation. These students in-turn, were amazingly good student facilitators for their peers who had signed up for the iCar competition.

We are very proud of the student facilitators from EHIG group. They are worthy representation of students, emerging with positive characteristics fostered by RP-PBL pedagogy. They were able to deal very well with ad-hoc situations, to manage the big group of student participants and to help them with their technical problems. These were achieved with minimal intervention from staff facilitators. Thumbs up for them! J

It is most heartening to witness that the students had enjoyed the learning process, which was evident from the smiles on their faces, and laughter heard throughout the event. The top winner team was awarded the Spartan 3A Development Kit and souvenirs, proudly sponsored by Avnet Asia Pte Ltd.