MEIG: Industry talk on Electrosurgical Equipment

MEIG had recently organised a CE talk for our students on Electrosurgical Units. Mr. Andre Yeo, Senior Engineer from Covidien had come down to give us this talk. He had also bought the electrosurgical unit, ForceTiad, for the talk to give a demo to our students. The first photo shows the demonstration of the effect of poor electrode placement with an orange!!

There were also other demonstrations using light bulb. These demonstrations did capture all the student’s attention and they got quite involved and participative during the talk.  Below are some photos and students responses to share with you all. 

Student responses….

…………. my doubt about the equipment get cleared through the ce talk. it was a great experience for me to get familiar with the modern equipment. also it made me enthusiastic about the course i'm going to study. Firstly i really surprised about the faci not getting electric shock while working with the machine. but when he explained about the current technique used in machines i feel that there is nothing to worry about the short circuit or getting shock etc. the machine is so user friendly…………

…….To see for ourselves the equipments used in the modern day surgical operation is fantastic. Although the demonstration wasn’t done for ‘real’, but the use of light bulb and orange was good enough. We could already see its capability. What makes it more interesting is that the electrosurgical unit is able to stop bleeding when a patient is undergoing an open surgery…..

Amazing Man 2011 - SEG Bonding Session

Amazing Man was held on 6 June 2011 at Sentosa. This is a bonding session specially organised to create and foster stronger bonds within Cyriva Club seniors and juniors, as well as IG members.


The event started off with an amazing race at 10:30am where the participants gathered at Harbourfront Centre. They were split into teams before receiving their first task “Make your way to Sentosa”. The participants came for this event with a burning passion despite the fact that the clue cards were hidden well enough and written in different languages.

The teams had an enjoyable time finding the first clue card at Skypark held by the game masters. After finding the first clue card, the teams took the monorail and alighted at beach station to challenge their second task. 

Once completing all these tasks, the teams were given the next clue card as to where their next task was. This continued on until the 5th clue. They sure were having a hard time finding the hidden clue cards as our game masters hid it in secretive places.

As soon as the amazing race was over, the teams headed to the homebase to have their lunch. Everyone took their packed lunch and sat in a circle for easy interaction. Lunch was great, not only the food, but the chatting, jokes and laughter made each and everyone closer.

Beach games came next. Alipom and handball were games that require teamwork and communication among the teams. Participants had a great time playing and time passed fast. It was late in the afternoon in a blink of an eye. The weather was hot and all of us were itching for a dip in the water. In no time, all of us were in the sea playing games and enjoying our "sea-soaking" time together.

As evening approached, we were reluctant but all of us got out of the water and took a last group photo before washing up. Despite meeting new friends, the participants were bonded with one another and brought home smiles on their faces.

An astounding success - Underwater Robotic Olympiad 2011

On 25th May (Wednesday), SEG organized the 3rd Underwater Robotic Olympiad 2011 for 300 secondary school students. 

The highlights of the event were:

- TV Media coverage, newspaper coverage  and interviews of RP staff and secondary school students in English, Malay and Tamil
- Full turn up of more than 300 students from 40 secondary schools
- Successful completion of special task by the secondary school students


Champion - Loyang Secondary School's robot emerged first in the underwater race, with a time of 38.14 seconds

1st runner up  - St Andrew's Secondary School at 39.21 seconds

2nd runner up -  Green View Secondary School at 44.46 seconds

Channel NewsAsia, 25 May 2011

Students take part in Underwater Robotics Olympiad

SINGAPORE: Sixty teams from 40 schools gathered at the Republic Polytechnic on Wednesday to learn how to build robots from scratch and race them - in this year's Underwater Robotics Olympiad.

About 60 teams of students had a chance to see their self-made robots race one another at the school's 25-metre pool.

Loyang Secondary School's robot emerged first in the underwater race, with a time of 38.14 seconds, followed by St Andrew's Secondary School at 39.21 seconds and Green View Secondary School at 44.46 seconds.

Some of the items students used to put their robots together included Tupperware containers, motors, paper cups and propellers.

Students had earlier been given a special mission - to manoeuvre their robots through a hole-plugging trial.

Anderson Secondary School won the award for successfully plugging its robot through the hole in the water tank in a record time of 30 seconds. 

Apart from putting the students' creativity to the test, the special task is ideally geared towards preparation for natural disasters such as the recent Japan nuclear crisis, as robots can gain access to areas that humans cannot.

Other News:


Underwater Robotics Olympiad 2011 (25 May 2011)

Vasantham Central News – mms://

SEG DBME Students got Merit award at BES 5th Scientific Meeting (BES5SM) @ NTU

A team of DBME students participated in the Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore) (BES) 5th Scientific Meeting (BES5SM) for the 1st time @ NTU on the 28th May 2011 (Sat) and clinched a Merit Award under the Poster Section Category. Joining 4 other participating teams from the School of Applied Science (SAS), our SAS teams also got a Merit and a Distinction award under the same category. One of the SAS team also clinched a Bronze in the technical section. Overall, it’s a happy day with all winners!

Our students’ participating project was titled : “ Wireless Low Cost Heart Rate Monitoring”. It is useful for doctors and nurses to monitor multiple patient’s heart rate in real-time as well as to plot a 2 x probes electrocardiogram (ECG) waveform if an abnormal heart rate is detected.  Despite of the UT week that have just past, our students put in their best to impress the judges. Special thanks to Hisham who came to support us on this day.  

 Students are (from left to right) Yang Wei, Wallace, Kuku, Ke Wen & Thida

 Our small, lightweight & plaster-liked prototypes on display was impressive. 
Heart-rate and ECG waveform is easily shown on the laptop for all to see. 

You may read more about BES5SM from