Orientation Programme Day 3 - Tug-of-War/SEG Performance

It's Day 3 of Freshman Orientation, the freshmen gathered at Agora hall 2, our home base waiting to be move out to the Astroturf and witness the tug of war competition between schools and centre.

We cheered out loud for our SEG Student and Staff team when they were on the battle field. SEG Student and Staff teams managed to knock out their competitors from different schools and centres, and made all the way to finals, and all of us hoping we could win and conquer the war.

It was the finals fight between SEG Staff versus SIT Staff. The fight begins, everyone cheered out loud for our SEG staffs. Screaming out..!! “Pull..!! Pull..!!” SEG Staff wins..!! Everyone jumped up high and screamed happily.

The Champions..
SEG Student and Staff Tug-of-War Warriors..!!

“We Conquered the War!” “SEG.. Sah..!!”
Tug-of-War competition ended, everyone were tired and exhausted cheering for our tug-of-war teams. We headed back to our home bases, walking like champions and raising our flags up high. We had mini celebration in our home base congratulate the SEG Student and Staff team. Everyone was hungry, and lunch was served.
Everyone was delighted about the lunch as it was filling and nice. Next activity is our own time practicing our war cry and the performance. Good to see everyone is participative and have lots of progress.
After practicing it’s time for us to have a rest. We had a sharing session by one of our graduates. He shared his three years life journey in Republic Polytechnic and shared some tips and skills on how he breezed through and ways of exceling in studies. Hope the story he delivered could inspire every one of us.

After dinner, it was raining heavily outside, everyone was disappointed to hear the news and hoping the rain would stop and have jam and hop session. The dynamic duos (emcee) never fail to entertain and keep them motivated; we practice our war cry once again before school presentation performance begins. Everyone energy level was high and here come our judges.

Freshmen were screaming out loud welcoming the judges to our home base. We start off with the performance and it was a blast. During the performance we all war-cried together, and it was perfectly done. Judges were impressed and there were smiles on their faces.

After the judges have left our home base, we all cheered and did one last time Republic War Cry, everyone do it together as One RP.

Soon we received notification that the weather was clear and ready to move up to lawn for jam and hop session. Freshmen were excited to hear the good news and hoping that we could win the Principal’s Cup this year. Once we have moved and gathered at lawn, everyone waited patiently for the results.
All of us were eager to know the results, and now the time has come. Emcee announce the 2nd and 1st runner up winners and as the rest of us our heartbeats pounded like a drum hoping SEG could be the champions this year.
Next the emcee announces the champion for year 2011; The Champion is, School of… Engineering! Everyone screamed out loud, jumping around happily and broke into tears. All the hard work we have contributed and participate was worth it.

After jam and hop session, everyone smile happily walking back to our home base. We had photo shoot session for all SEG students, and everyone was given the opportunity to hold and have their own pose taking pictures with the Principal’s Cup. That’s the end our Freshmen Orientation Journey. Thank you SEG Freshmen!

Orientation Programme Day 2 - Spot Your Pod/SEG's Time

On the 2nd day of Orientation Programme, we started off with “Spot Your Pod”. The freshmen got the chance to see their class and interact with their classmates for the first time. The class is being conducted by our own student leaders as “Acting Facilitators”. They are being taught on how to use “LEO” for the first time and the rules and regulation of the new system in Republic Polytechnic. Ice-breaking games were also conducted to bond the freshmen together before the start of school the following week on Monday. 

The next activity which is waiting in line for them would be the SLA Introduction. It is actually time for Cyriva Club and also other IGs in the SEG to promote themselves to the freshmen. Right after that, it was lunch break for all of us. As usual, people would tend to get excited when they heard that food is being served. The team leaders had lunch with the freshmen for a better bonding and at the same time, shared their experience in RP with them. 
Following this, the freshmen were taught on the Team Republic Echo. It was a long session as the emcees ensured that they really got the tone and variation right before they proceed on. It was an exhausting yet fun activity for all of us. 

Right after that, they were given some rest time but at the same time, they were having the Mass Activity together. This Mass Activity is named as Time capsule where they have to make a paper heart.

Inside the heart, the freshmen have to write down their aspirations and what they want to achieve after three years in Republic Polytechnic.

They were separated into their diplomas with a box to decorate and to put their heart-warming hearts. They were instructed to decorate the box nicely with their diploma names on it. By then, everyone including the committees together with the student leaders and helpers were exhausted.

There goes the second day of Orientation Programme for the year ones.

Orientation Programme Day 1 - Principal's Cup Challenge

On 13 April 2011, the 1st day of Orientation Programme, we had the Principal’s Cup Challenge of the 40 game stations which was contributed by the different schools in RP.  
When the freshmen arrived at our homebase (Agora Hall 2) in the morning, they were lined up in teams with their student leaders.

At 10am, our Director of SEG Dr. Wang gave his speech to welcome all freshmen, as well as highlighted key achievements in SEG. Around 10:05am, our Director flag off to commence the Principal’s Cup Challenge.

All our teams left the Agora Hall 2 excitedly to the different game stations around RP and participated in the games. All of them hope to score high points for SEG.

After a long day, our students came back to home-base for refreshments. We began the cheer and performance practice at 430pm. As the emcees were teaching the students the lyrics, our student leaders showed them the movement.

The day ended with the freshmen all hyped up and eager to return for the 2nd day of Orientation Programme!


SEG Freshmen Orientation Day - Engineers' Day

Freshmen Orientation Day, known as the Engineers’ Day was held on 12th April 2011 specially for our new intake of freshmen. Organized by Cyriva Club, we welcomed a total of more than 200 freshmen!

They came down with excitement on their faces and eager to know their course mates and what is life in Republic Polytechnic all about. As they step into South Agora, we had our student helpers and leaders to guide and cheer them as they make their way into Agora Hall 2.
We started off with the ice breaking games! The freshmen had so much fun among themselves with our student leaders and they started to make friends with one another!

After the ice breaking games we sent the team out for the team building games. These games are related to our School of Engineering course modules.

By allowing them to play these games, they got an idea of what they will be learning in new school term. As they were playing the team building games, they also learnt the SEG cheer, and the whole stretch of walkway leading to South Agora from Agora Hall were filled with the voices of Engineers!

Looking at those freshmen enjoying their games and cheering together reminded us of ourselves when we were in Year 1!

After the team building games is lunch time! Delicious yummy food was delivered to them! These new freshman sat around in a circle and ate together, as they ate, they chatted with one another and got closer with their team mates and student leader.

After lunch was the practice of Tug-of-War! This was to prepare our freshmen for the Tug-of-War competition during Orientation Programme 2011! For those who are not tugging, they were led by a team of student leaders to practice the Cheers. The freshmen cheered at the top of their voice for the SEG Tug-of-War team!

Tug-of-War Training Competition between Staffs and Students

Students Team led by Student Leaders, all ready to win the Staff Team

After all the training and cheering, we went back to Agora Hall 2 for the freshmen to rest and refreshments were provided. As they rest, our guest speaker representing IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) came and they put on seriousness on their faces, wanting to know more about their future prospects. The speaker inspired them to be a great engineer and everyone gave a standing ovation for the speaker.

Following this, we had photo hunt as our last event of the day! We sent teams of freshmen out to search for places in the given photos given and they had to take a team picture in the places to complete the game!

Leaving a memory in their phone with their team mates, the freshmen ended their day and went home with a great experience on their 1st day in Republic Polytechnic.

First SEG’s International Service Learning Project to Siem Reap

A team of 23 students (out of which 21 are SEG students from various diplomas and different years) together with 2 SEG staffs Eugene Tham and Sim Shyuan Jing have completed a great adventure and learning experience at Siem Reap, Cambodia from 22nd March 2011 – 31st March 2011.

For this trip, Republic Polytechnic & Renew Powers Technologies collaborated to produce wonderful Solar panels to the school in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The 10-day trip was an achievement to complete the solar panels.

The 300W Solar Panels

They surveyed the site where the health post was built and to place the panels on the roof of the health post.

The team visited Ballangk Community School to teach the kids with the solar panel kits to equip them with basic knowledge of the usage of solar panels. Not only teaching on how to use the panels but also teaching them Basic English.

Commented by the school Teacher, “I was really grateful that Republic Polytechnic came to my school and does practical lessons and also organising games for them. This is the first time that Republic Polytechnic conducting and organising lessons and games!

These are some quotes by the team!
 I feel very happy when I saw all the florescence tubes lighted up when we tested it and I feel that it was an achievement for me and my team"
Quoted by Felix
I would love to go back when I have the time and money to find out how much we have helped the community with the lightings
Quoted by Weixian
Despite the dark history, everyone including the kids always wear a smile on their faces. What a great way to start the day!
Quoted by Suriani

During the 10 days sting in Siem Reap, they have completed a few projects:
1) Successfully installed solar panels lighting system for a RP sponsored health post in Ballangk Commune
2) A solar toy kit workshop with 50 primary school kids
3) 2 English workshops for about 200 primary school kids
4) 2 soccer workshops for primary school kids