[Alumni Report] Electronic sector sizzles

Adopted from The Straits Times, 7 April 2011

Kenneth Yap will be graduating from SEG Diploma in Micro and Nanotechnology this coming May 2011.

He is currently employed as a process technologist and earning higher than the average polytechnic graduates.

Read on for more details:

~Graduate BBQ~

SEG Graduates BBQ was held at Aloha Loyang in March 2011. This event was specially organised for the graduates to get together and spend quality time with each other. Furthermore, they have the chance to mingle around with one another from a mixture of courses in engineering and at the same time, allow the graduates to catch up with one another before they part ways into their next phase of life.

The event started off when Cyriva Club members started to place the food on the grill. Some of the graduates helped to start the fire. They were helpful and patient to start up the fire.
Cyriva Club members BBQing the food
As the graduates started consuming the barbecued food which was being served to them, some of the Cyriva Club members went to chit chat with them and made the graduates feel welcomed. Some were playing party games while some were even telling jokes. Everyone was enthusiastic and participative during the game sessions which have been prepared specially for the graduates by Cyriva Club.
Graduates @ BBQ
Some of the graduates who attended the event shared their life experience in Republic Polytechnic and how they managed to juggle their studies. They gave us a glimpse of how the three years in Republic Polytechnic had been for them and some shared about their courses.  While some have already started working, the rest of the graduates shared with one another what they were going to work as in future.

The graduates were friendly and easy going. They even barbecued the food with us. At the end of the event, everyone enjoyed the night and we exchanged contacts with each other to keep in touch. 

We hope this Graduates BBQ would be a memorable event to those who have attended and Graduates of SEG, do keep in touch with us! Cheers J

Novel Automobile Challenge - Award of Special Mention

Congratulations to:-

Mohamed Alkaff (DAE), Shawn Neo (DAA) and Lovell Ang (DDDE) for clinching the “Special Mention” award in the Novel Automobile Challenge jointly organized by the Office of the Chief Science and Technology Officer (OCSTO), Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Centre for Protective Technology (CPT), National University of Singapore.

Without having to pull an “ELEPHANT, Buffalo or Turtle” to stop the charging vehicle, the team has already impress the judges with their innovative and novel design! Find out more from the attached website…

[Alumni Report] Passion and determination take her a long way

Adopted from The New Paper, 29 March 2011

She graduated from SEG Diploma in Industrial and Systems Enginnering (now known as Industrial and Operations Management) in 2005.

She is currently in her final year of part-time Bachelor of Science (Marketing) degree course offered by the University of Bradford in partnership with MDIS.

Read on for more details: