National Skills Update 2010

National Finals will go ahead in Cork IT on 22nd June, finalists have been selected as follows:

Dublin IT Barry Kenehan
Limerick IT David O Keefe
Dundalk IT Michael Rice
Waterford IT David Gough
Cork IT Eoghan McCarthy

Project details have been circulated to examiners in the various IT's, looking forward to seeing you all in Cork in June........

National Skills Finals 2010

It has been just confirmed that competitions will take place in Cork IT from 22nd till 24th June, with presentations taking place on Friday 25th June. Winners of the preliminary competitions will be notified shortly, watch this space for further details:

Freshmen Orientation Program 2010 (Day 3)

The third day started off with students moving into their classes looking forward to know their new classmates through some fun ice-breaking activities, together with some important information on RP’s learning system.

Shortly after the class introduction, the freshmen gathered back at Agora Hall, excited about their new classes and doing their final preparation before their BIG event at 6pm (Jam N’ Hop)

Everyone worked hard on learning the mass dance and crying out loud for the Republic Echo!

Doing their final preparation for the School presentation
Oh s-e-g! Oh s-e-g! Oh s-e-g Oh s-e-g!!~

Soon it’s time for everyone to move to the Lawn and Let’s Get The Party Started!

The program started with School presenting their own School Presentation! SEG presented our skit of originality on why Engineers are important and eventually Hype-up everyone with a hippy cheers and beats with just piles and stick!

Oh S-E-G! Oh S-E-G! Oh S-E-G Oh S-E-G!!!

After all the Presentations, it is finally time to showcase our mass dance! With the famous song “For your Entertainment!” and our Proud Republic Echo! REPUBLIC, REPUBLIC WE ARE ONE AND PROUD!

After the Mass dance it was the Republic Echo! With Republic Polytechnic Student Council as the lead!

Together as one with all our MIGHT!

Principal was there too, giving his speech to the students, followed by the Prize presentation.

The Jam N’Hop started with another BANG and BIGGER than ever!

Let’s Rock The HOUSE! Bboys in the house!

Panjie and Katherine singing “Ne-Yo, Because of you”.

The Party went on with many other Performances like Beats Encore, Capoeira, Jammerz Arena Band and our very own EMP!

Surely it was a Wild Night, for the last day of Orientation Program 2010!

Freshmen Orientation Program 2010 (Day 2)

Day 2 started with the mass dance, followed by tug-of-war competition at the Astroturf for both staffs and students among the different schools! It was one of the rare moments where you see your facilitators dressed casually, sweated their way out and pulled with all their might to win every possible match. Even the Director of SEG was actively involved! Yeah!

Although SEG didn’t manage to clinch the top few positions for tug-of-war, the efforts and support given by both staffs and students were greatly appreciated. After all, SEG has displayed cooperation and teamwork. Hooray!

Student leaders on stage demonstrating the moves for the mass dance and war cry in preparation for Day 3 of Orientation Programme Jam N’ Hop session.

Freshmen busy preparing for the mascot for Jam N’ Hop session.

A group photo with all smiles to end the day!

Freshmen Orientation Program 2010 (Day 1)

It is 8:30am and the excited student leaders are already on stand-by. Banners were also set up and everyone was prepared for the biggest event every year, REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC ORIENTATION PROGRAMME 2010!!!

Shortly after the speech given by School of Engineering Director Dr Wang Jianguo, it was the big SEG flag off by our director for this year Principal’s Cup! Each year, every school tries to win glory, not only outwitting each other but also motivating themselves for the 42 game stations all over the campus!

After a quick recharging meal and refreshing drinks during the lunch break, the participants headed out of their home-base for second round of Principal’s cup trying their best to secure a winning place for SEG!

Freshmen Orientation Day Camp 2010 (Day 2)

After having a fun and interesting day on Day 1, the campers came back to RP in their teams and started to chit-chat as they entered RP, making noise that no one can ever imagine . Right now the whole of Student Lounge (W1 Forum) is filled with laughter by the campers.

Starting of the day with the most exciting Jumping scissors paper stone

Indeed Day 1 was a blast for everyone. Nonetheless, Day 2 was extraordinary. We had the Mass Dance by all campers with the Student leaders. We danced along with the song by Adam Lambert “For Your Entertainment”. Everyone showed their best and danced to the beat.

Look at them go … Dance baby Dance

After mastering the Dance, here comes the mass showdown of all the teams with some exciting games. Everyone was trying to win each other.
Let’s link them up with Splits. Splits it up with a Star.

Hmmm, what are they digging for?? Our Future Gold mines.

Lastly with the road to soapy world… look at how soapy they get as they slide their way through.

After the exciting battle of the stations, it was the battle of the sexes in the mass dance segment before ending the day off with joyous group photos.

This is what everyone is waiting for… CANDID SHOTS…

Freshmen Orientation Day Camp 2010 (Day 1)

The main objective of the camp was to let the freshmen know their school mates before school starts. The event started out with ice breaking games to let the participants feel more welcomed.

After a time of fun and laughter, the student leaders introduced them our famous SEG “SAH!” Cheer. Everybody was so enthusiastic and learnt the cheer in less than 30 minutes!

The next program we had planned for these enthusiastic freshmen were the station games! The main objective was to allow them to mingle with their groups and to know everyone well enough.

Despite the bad weather, we all had a lot of fun playing the games.

Although the station games lasted for a short while, we could see that the freshmen enjoyed themselves and had a level of rapport among the groups.

To end the day’s activities, we had a night game called “Burn Baby Burn” planned for them. Here, participants had to severe a rope dipped in water. However, the only tool given to them was a candle and they had to deal with obstacles like, people blowing off their light or the forces of nature.

Last but not least, both the student leaders and the freshmen had a enjoyable day which resulted in a picture like this!