WIT Preliminary Competition

WIT held their Preliminary Industrial Control and Electrical Installations Competitions in the Applied Technology Building on 29th January 2010. 6 competitors competed in the Electrical Installations Competitions while we had 3 competitors in the Industrial Control. The Electrical Installations Competition was co-ordinated by Pascal Kavanagh, while I (David Williams) looked after the Industrial Control Competition. Special thanks to Malachy and Larry for all of their hard work in preparing for the competition and putting the workshop back together afterwards. Thanks also to Pat Doyle (HOD) for his support and to all the Lecturers and students who dropped in for a look around during the competition.

Pascal Kavanagh and our store man Larry Kennedy

3 competitors took part in the industrial control competition as follows:
David Gough
Dean Carroll
David Boland

3 Industrial Control Competitors ready for the off!

The lads will now have an anxious wait, until the selection process is completed, by late March. The finals are to be staged in CIT in late June.

Pascal Kavanagh and our Technician Malachy Rushe

Dean Carroll gets to grips with the conduit work:

David Boland sets out his panel back plate:

David Gough (last years Electrical Installations winner) back for a shot at Industrial Control Competition this time!

Dean Carroll getting stuck into the control wiring:

David Boland getting through the panel wiring:

David Gough putting the final touch's to the job:

Panel for our testing mini project:

A big thanks and congratulations to all the competitors, we look forward to hopefully seeing you again for the finals in June. Keep an eye on the blog for updates on competitions in other venues.

Camp illumina - Day 1 (16th December 2009)

This is the annual SEG Leadership Camp, aptly named Camp Illumina. A group of students were selected to take part in this camp and this marked a whole new experience for them.

As the clock strikes noon on the 16th of December 2009, Camp Illumina officially began with bright and cheerful smiles on the participants. What better way to kick-start the camp than to let loose and have a good laugh while getting to know one another? It is none other than the customary ice-breaking games.

The first ice-breaker ‘Dragon’s Tail’ requires every pair of participants to attach a bandana (the ‘tail’) on their backs. They had to protect their ‘tails’ and at the same time to snatch the ‘tails’ of all other ‘dragon pairs’. It did not take long for everyone to grow accustomed to the game and, the camp was off to a flying start.

More ice-breaking games continued. Soon enough, it was evident that everyone was hyped up and ready to go all out for the leadership activities that were lined up for them.


Through the Minesweeper, the teams learnt the value of effective communication when their communication skills were put to the test. With obstacles blocking their routes to get to the other side, each team had to use only animal sounds to ‘communicate’ to get to the opposite side. The SEG campers proved to be extremely innovative as they challenged through this activity.


The Roadblock challenged the participants to get through a set of ‘spider web’ obstacles. If that was a challenge, then try collecting M & M’s out of a bowl of flour while you’re at it!

5 pillars of leadership

An activity designed to test the team’s cohesiveness, decision-making and navigational skills. Equipped with just a compass and a set of instructions, each team was assigned with a task of finding 5 symbols of leadership which were hidden around the pillars of RP’s multi-storey carpark.

trust fall

This activity aimed to instil trust in the participants. They had no clue of what was about to happen to them as they were blindfolded. It was definitely a moment of insecurity for the participants but they began to trust their student leaders as they took a ‘fall of faith’ into the arms of the student leaders.

don’t forget the LYRICS, seg version

You have probably seen it on TV but nothing beats seeing the SEG students battling it out on stage with our very own ‘Don’t Forget the Lyrics’. It was really an entertaining session, seeing some of them crooning to songs such as ‘25minutes’ and ‘Truly Madly Deeply’. Everyone enjoyed this soothing moment to bond with their camp mates.

Lights out was at 10:30pm. as the tired participants rest to charge themselves up for the challenges ahead of them the next day.

End of Day One of Camp Illumina