The Amazing Race '09

Click to Register- Amazing Race

Amazing Race 2009

Date: 15 AUGUST 2009, Saturday.

Time: 1045 hrs - 1815 hrs.

Venue: Republic Polytechnic; all over Singapore

**Registration Closed**

Click here to register yourself. **Remember to ask your teammates to register too!~

Event(s) is brought to you by RP-SEG and Cyriva Club

Cyriva United Outing

Ever wonder how Cyriva’s member balance their work and friendship?
Cyriva’s has been organising and also helping others school plan and carry out event throughout this few years.
On the 18th July – Cyriva’s organise an outing session among ourselves, we spent this weekend work free. Taking this chance to enjoy and have fun among us, this is a time when all the year 1,2 and 3 get to bond with one another without being stress about works that need to be done.

Look, everyone is hungry~
Why is two giants blocking my view!!!! When the world feel so SMALL !!!
When friends become as precious as water
A day when eveyone get to do what they want and also a day when everybody get to be themselves~